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Signs and Symptoms of Hearing Loss

Recognizing the signs of hearing loss is important for early intervention. Common symptoms include difficulty following conversations, unclear phone calls, people seeming to mumble, ringing in the ears, and turning the TV volume too high.

Learn more about the symptoms of hearing loss

If you or someone you know experiences any signs of hearing loss, it's time to get a hearing test.

Book a free hearing test

Nico hearing test

Ask yourself: Do you need a hearing test?

Answer the four questions below to see if you should consider getting a hearing test.

Question 1 – Around the table
Do you have trouble following conversations, when there are four or more people present?
Have you received advice from your family or friends to get your hearing tested?
Do you ever struggle to understand what others are saying because you cannot hear properly?
Do you find yourself turning up the TV or radio even when the volume is loud enough for others?

Your Result:

We recommend a hearing test

Your answers indicate that you experience symptoms of hearing loss. We strongly recommend booking a hearing test at one of our clinics.

The result is an indication. An in-person hearing test can determine if you have a hearing loss.

Book a free hearing test  Request a call back

Your Result:

We recommend a hearing test

Your answers indicate that you experience some symptoms of hearing loss. We recommend booking a hearing test at one of our clinics.

The result is an indication. An in-person hearing test can determine if you have a hearing loss.

Book a free hearing test  Request a call back

Your Result:

We could not determine whether you need a hearing test

Your answers do not indicate that you experience symptoms of hearing loss. However, if you experience trouble hearing, we recommend booking a hearing test at one of our clinics.

The result is an indication. An in-person hearing test can determine if you have a hearing loss.

Book a free hearing test  Request a call back

Step 1 of 6

Degrees of hearing loss

The degree of hearing loss refers to the severity of the loss and is generally categorized as either mild, moderate, severe, or profound.

It can be measured in decibels (dB), referring to how loud sounds need to be for you to hear them.

Illustration shows ear with normal hearing loss ear waves
Normal hearing (≤25 dB)
No perceived hearing loss symptoms
Illustration shows ear with mild hearing loss ear waves
Mild hearing loss (26-40 dB)
Soft speech is difficult to hear, especially in noisy environments
Illustration shows ear with moderate hearing loss ear waves
Moderate hearing loss (41-60 dB)
Following a conversation in noisy environments or group settings is problematic
Illustration shows ear with severe hearing loss ear waves
Severe hearing loss (61-80 dB)
People have to speak loudly for you to hear them
Illustration shows ear with profound hearing loss ear waves
Profound hearing loss (≥81 dB)
Hearing is challenging in most environments

Types of hearing loss

Understanding the different types of hearing loss is essential for preserving our hearing health. The most common types are sensorineural, conductive and mixed hearing loss which involves both sensorineural and conductive elements.

Learn more about the types of hearing loss.

Facts about hearing loss

Hearing loss is more common than you might think.

Hearing loss is the 3rd most common health condition among adults
Hearing loss is the 3rd most common health condition among adult1
Over 50% of the adults ages 40 and 79 in Canada have measurable hearing loss2
60 percent of Canadians aged 19 to 79 have a hearing health problem
Overall, 60% of the Canadians aged 19 to 79 have a hearing health problem: audiometrically measured hearing loss, tinnitus (past year) or both conditions.3

“Hearing loss does not get the recognition it deserves. It is one of the five senses. You can watch a TV program on mute and you won’t get the context. But you can listen to a program and not watch it and your senses will follow along. That is the difference hearing makes.”
Jillian Price, M.Sc., Reg. CASLPO, Audiologist

What causes hearing loss?

Understanding the source of your hearing issues gives our professionals insight into your needs, so we can advise you with the best options for your specific treatment. That's why we encourage you to speak with our professionals as soon as you notice any hearing difficulties.

Common causes of hearing loss include:

  • Aging
  • Excessive noise exposure
  • Injury
  • Viral infections (such as measles or mumps)
  • Wax buildup
  • Ototoxic drugs (medications that damage hearing)
  • Genetics

Causes of hearing loss

Tip from an audiologist

If you are looking for treatment for hearing impairment, we advice you to begin the process as soon as possible.

This is key to improving your quality of life, so that you can enjoy your favourite activities again – such as engaging in conversations with friends and family or watching your favourite TV show again.

Book a FREE hearing test

image shows two audiologist talking

Treating hearing loss

Hearing loss treatments include: ear wax removal, hearing aids, surgery, cochlear implants or bone anchored hearing solutions.

The best solution for your hearing loss will depend on:

  • Type of hearing loss
  • Degree of hearing loss
  • Cause of hearing loss
  • Your budget
  • Lifestyle, personal interests, cosmetic preferences and communication needs

Hearing loss treatment Online hearing test

“We hear with our brains. They take all the input from our ears and translate it. If those pathways don’t get stimulated with sound, the longer they are deprived, the more difficult it is to adapt to hearing aids in the future,”
Katie Koebel, Audiologist, M.Cl.Sc., Reg. CASLPO

5 steps to improving your hearing

1. Learn how to recognize the signs of hearing loss
Signs of hearing loss
2. Schedule your FREE hearing test in a clinic near you
Book hearing test
3. Select a pair of hearing aids and receive a risk-free trial
Free, 30-day trial
4. Government funding and support programs
Financial assistance
5. Enjoy your hearing solution and receive on-going aftercare
Aftercare service

Hearing Aids: A Vital Solution to Hearing Loss

Hearing aids are essential tools for managing hearing loss and can provide several benefits, including improved communication, increased social engagement, and better quality of life. By addressing hearing loss with hearing aids, individuals can experience significant improvements in their overall well-being and lead active, fulfilling lives.

When selecting hearing aids, several factors should be considered to ensure they meet the individual's specific needs and preferences. The type and severity of hearing loss, lifestyle and personal preferences, budget, compatibility with other devices, and fit and comfort are all important factors to consider.

Better communication is one of the most significant positive impacts of hearing aids for individuals with hearing loss. Hearing aids can help individuals hear and understand speech and sounds more clearly, leading to more effective communication with family, friends, and colleagues. With improved communication, individuals can feel more confident in social settings, leading to increased social engagement and participation in activities they may have previously avoided due to hearing difficulties.

In addition to better communication and increased social engagement, addressing hearing loss with hearing aids can lead to enhanced overall well-being. It can reduce feelings of stress, anxiety, and depression associated with hearing difficulties.

To ensure that you find the hearing aid that best suits your needs, we recommend that you consult with one of our hearing professionals. Book a free 30-day trial at HearingLife to find the right device for your needs and take the first step towards better hearing.

Learn more about hearing aids and other hearing loss treatment options

What happens at a hearing test?

Watch the video and hear our audiologist Timothy Humpidge explain what to expect when you visit a hearing clinic and receive a hearing test.

Book a FREE hearing test

Image shows woman having a hearing aid placed behind her ear

How to prevent hearing loss

While there is no cure for loss of hearing, there are steps you can take to prevent it and reduce your chances of developing hearing loss over the course of your lifetime.

Learn more about healthy hearing practices and protection solutions that can help keep hearing loss at bay.

Preventing hearing loss

FAQ about hearing loss


1. Kochkin, Sergei (2009) ”MarkeTrak VIII: 25-Year Trends in the Hearing Health Market” The Hearing Review, vol. 16, no. 11.
2. McCormack, A. & Fortnum, H. Why do people fitted with hearing aids not wear them? Int J Audiol. 2013 May; 52(5): 360–368.
3. Chisolm, T. H., Johnson, C. E., Danhauer, J. L., Portz, L. J. P., Abrams, H. B., Lesner, S., … Newman, C. W. (2007). A systematic review of health-related quality of life and hearing aids: Final report of the American Academy of Audiology Task Force on the Health-Related Quality of Life Benefits of Amplification in Adults. Journal of the American Academy of Audiology, 18(2), 151-183
4. Masterson EA, Bushnell PT, Themann CL, Morata TC. Hearing Impairment Among Noise-Exposed Workers — United States, 2003–2012. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2016;65:389–394. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15585/mmwr.mm6515a2
5. Haile et al. Hearing loss prevalence and years lived with disability, 1990–2019: findings from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019. The Lancet. 2021 March. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0140-6736(21)00516-X