Image shows smiling man

Learn from others with hearing loss

If you think you have hearing loss, you are not alone. Over 5% of the world's population has disabling hearing loss. Learning from their stories might help you on your journey to better hearing.

Study shows: hearing aids may improve life quality

Hearing loss affects your life in different ways. As it often develops gradually over time, it is hard to know when it's time to seek treatment for hearing loss.

People wait an average of seven years before seeking help. Once they are treated and experience the positive impact hearing aids have on their life, they often regret waiting so long.

Is a hearing test relevant for you?

Image shows study graph


"When I play softball, it's not only about winning, it's also about communicating with my teammates.

The social aspects. And not missing out on anything in my life"


Book a free hearing test

5 steps to improving your hearing

1. Learn how to recognize the signs of hearing loss
Signs of hearing loss
2. Schedule your FREE hearing test in a clinic near you
Book hearing test
3. Select a pair of hearing aids and receive a risk-free trial
Free, 30-day trial
4. Government funding and support programs
Financial assistance
5. Enjoy your hearing solution and receive on-going aftercare
Aftercare service


"My health is the most precious thing I have. I see my ability to hear as part of being healthy – and leading an active lifestyle.

I simply do not want to settle. This is the life I want to live."


Try hearing aids for free

How to know when it's time to seek help

The signs of hearing loss can be vague and gradual, but they can sometimes be obvious and sudden.

If you recognize one or more of the signs below, then it might be time for you to seek treatment.

Image shows people in conversation
Difficulty following conversations
Difficulty following group conversations (especially when background noise is present)
Image shows man looking at his phone
Phone conversations are unclear
You have trouble following phone conversations in both quiet and noisy places
Image shows woman holding her hand up to her ear
People seem to be mumbling too often
Sounds seem unclear, or people sound like they are mumbling when talking
Image shows woman's face
Difficulty locating sounds
You have difficulty locating where sounds are coming from
Image shows a woman holding her hands to her head
Signs of tinnitus
You experience ringing or buzzing sounds in your ears
Image shows couple holding each other
Turning up the TV too loud
Your friends and family say you turn the television up too loud


“I asked myself: why compromise if I can do something about it?

And this is why I contacted a professional. I wanted to get back at performing 100%. I wanted life to be as it used to be. I wanted to change my life.”


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Image shows a hand holding a hearing aid

Book a FREE consultation with a hearing care professional

Free hearing tests - Same-day results - Risk-free hearing aid trial
Have you had a hearing test within the last 12 months?

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