
Breaking the Bank for Hearing Aids? HearingLife's Financing Plan Options Can Help

Contributed by HearingLife

2023-02-06 • 3 min read

Tags • Lifestyle

Hearing loss is a common issue that affects over 1.5 billion people worldwide. It can be a significant barrier to communication and can negatively impact our daily lives. However, with the right hearing aids, it is possible to improve our hearing health and maintain connections with loved ones. The cost of hearing aids can be prohibitively expensive for many people, with prices ranging from $1,900 to $4,200 per ear in Canada. HearingLife offers financing options that make it easier for people to afford quality hearing aids. We offer two convenient financing options for our clients.

How does it work?

Option 1: Short-term interest-free financing - This option is a 3-month 0% financing plan for those who prefer short-term, interest-free financing. To qualify for this plan, clients make a 10% minimum deposit plus a $150 payment plan administration fee. The approval process typically takes about 3 days from the day the application is submitted. For repeat hearing aid purchasers, we offer instant approval with no administrative fee or credit check.

Option 2: 1-5 year low-interest financing - This option is a 1 to 5 year low-interest plan for those who need more time to amortize the cost. Clients make a 10% minimum deposit plus a $150 payment plan administration fee, and the administration fee is waived for repeat hearing aid purchasers. Clients can choose from the following options:

One-year plan: 0.95% interest rate

Two-year plan: 1.95% interest rate

Three-year plan: 2.95% interest rate

Four-year plan: 3.95% interest rate

Five-year plan: 4.95% interest rate

With these financing options, you can afford top-of-the-line hearing aids that were designed to fit your lifestyle at the price of a daily cup of coffee!

At HearingLife, our goal is to ensure that anyone who needs hearing aids can afford them, starting with a FREE hearing test. We understand the importance of hearing well and the positive impact it can have on our daily lives. Improved hearing allows us to enjoy what we love; having conversations with loved ones, enjoying music, listening to the sounds of nature, and overall having an increased awareness of our surroundings.

When a loved one asks us to lend an ear, it is a direct invitation into their lives. In these moments of vulnerability, our opinion just might be the most valuable currency we have to offer. Don’t let hearing loss or the cost of hearing aids be the barrier to being present in the lives of those you love.

At HearingLife, we are committed to making quality hearing aids affordable and accessible to everyone. We believe that hearing well is essential to living a fulfilling life.

If you or a loved one is experiencing hearing loss, please don't hesitate to book a free hearing test now.


1. Hearing loss (