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You Won’t Believe These Facts About Hearing Loss!

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Did you know?

Of those with hearing loss, hearing aid owners are…

More likely to regularly engage in positive behaviours such as exercising and socializing
Less likely to feel embarrassed or rejected due to hearing loss
Likely to experience an improved quality of life, ability to communicate more easily, and willingness to engage in conversation and group activities

Modern hearing aids help you break free of restrictions and join the conversation in difficult listening environments.

Try hearing aids for FREE

Did you know?

Modern hearing aids provide you with the following benefits:

  • Understand conversations at the same level as those with normal hearing*
  • Receive a 360-degree sound experience that gives your brain access to relevant sounds around you
  • Take advantage of the ability to connect wirelessly to smart devices
  • Experience less whistling/feedback sounds in the hearing aid
  • Enjoy rechargeable hearing aid batteries 
  • Choose between discreet and invisible hearing aid styles

Try our new hearing aids for FREE

Take the first step to better hearing by scheduling a free appointment

Step 1 of 6

We work with award-winning hearing aid brands

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Image show Oticon logo
Image show Philips logo
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Download our FREE E-Book

“Guide to finding the best hearing aid for you” and discover the life-changing benefits of better hearing. Simply enter your name and email address and a pdf copy will instantly be sent right to your inbox.

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Over 250 locations nationwide

You can try the latest hearing aids at any of our 250+ locations in Canada.  Find your nearest centre and book your free trial today.


1. Juul Jensen (2018). Closing a gap to normal hearing. Oticon White Paper.
*A comprehensive hearing assessment is provided to adults ages 19 and older at no cost. The results of this assessment will be communicated verbally to you. If you request a copy of the Audiological Report, an administrative fee will apply, excluding Saskatchewan residents. Child hearing tests are conducted at select locations for a fee, please contact us for more information. Offer not available in Quebec. Not applicable for industrial hearing tests. This promotion is valid for select premium or advanced hearing aid models and cannot be combined with any other discount. Applies to private sales of premium or advanced hearing aids and discount is applied after any Government funding has been deducted. Some conditions apply, see clinic for details. Offer not valid in Quebec. Offer expires 30/04/2025. **90-Day Risk-Free Trial begins at the date of purchase. If you are not completely satisfied, you can return it within 90 days for a full refund or exchange. ***If you are quoted a lower price on an comparable hearing aid with the same features, options and services, HearingLife Canada Ltd. will match that price. Conditions Apply. Ask our hearing care professionals for more details. 150,000 Doctor referrals based on the all-time number of referrals from general physicians, Ear, Nose & Throat specialists, and medical professionals as indicated by clients on our intake forms.